
Hi! Okay so, I decided I'm going to release eight posts of a story I've been working on for awhile. As I stated a month ago, my writing is purely therapeutic but, I would appreciate it if no once stole my ideas or my story line. I may decide they are good enough to actually publish one day and I don't want to have to get into any legal battles about rights. Oh! And I need feedback please!!! Pretty please! Okay, thanks!


Hi! Okay so, I decided I'm going to release eight posts of a story I've been working on for awhile. As I stated a month ago, my writing is purely therapeutic but, I would appreciate it if no once stole my ideas or my story line. I may decide they are good enough to actually publish one day and I don't want to have to get into any legal battles about rights. Oh! And I need feedback please!!! Pretty please! Okay, thanks!


Almost done with restructuring of Chasing Chandler.   This is the FIRST story I published on Wattpad. I thought it was pretty good but, after reading some really AWESOME stories on here...I'm begging for help.  Please read and comment on my plot and character development.


I just revised my story Free Ryder, Inc and republished it in shorter chapters.  It's marked as completed but, that doesn't mean I won't go back and edit it later to maybe add some more descriptive details or flesh out some of the characters more.  I would really love it if some of my followers out there took the time to read it, comment, and vote on it.   It's called Free Ryder, Inc.  It's marked as mature because of some sexual situations, language and themes of rape and assault in some areas. If those are trigger areas for you, please skip them.  I give no warnings of the impending scenes or discussion so, you're reading at your own risk... I should probably do that at some point though, right?


So...I have absolutely no reads other than my own on any of my published books... I would appreciate ate it if any of you would take the time and read them. I'm not looking for your votes, I need objective eyes to point out plot holes, discrepancies, grammatical errors, etc. I don't need negative comments, just constructive criticism that tells me what is seen as erroneous and a viable solution. PLEASE!!!!!!