
Hey! I'll be really grateful if you would check out my books. The titles are
          The concept are really different not typical
          My Saviour
          Tattoo Artist
          The New Girl
          Hope you have a nice day
          The concept are really different not typical


Thank you so much for the follow. I hope that you will like my works if you would like to give a chance to them. Kindly avoide spelling mistakes and grammatical issues as some of the chapters are unedited. Your reviews and votes will be appreciated.Have a great day. ♡♡


Randhir Singh Shekhawat and Sanyukta Agarwal got engaged a month ago, It was arranged, they barely talked to each other.
          How will life change when they are thrown into another unexpected arranged set-up by their parents, A live-in.
          Sorry for spamming like this but if you're into reading simple and cute arrange marriage books. 
          USED TO YOU is totally yours!!


Hello ^_^ 
          I apologise to have taken your time & space, but my friend has written her first story on wattpad, "Beyond Love: The Beginning". Its an absolute depight of a read as per me, and both of us would be grateful if you can give it a chance:)) I 
          Thank you ^_^


Heyaa, I hope you are doing well.
          If you love to read a cute romance with a tinge of banters and mischief please do give a try to my book "Falling for her". I hope it won't disappoint you plus it will be a great help if you can give your genuine reviews and suggestions to improve my writing. Appreciative and constructive comments are always accepted. Even feel free to let me know if something goes overboard in the story. 
          Sorry for distributing you but still if you get time do give it a shot. 