
this message may be offensive
Decided to post a picture of myself. I was tired of seeing kermits face . Him and I are no longer friends but if everyone is wondering my name is Jeff and I’m from Tennessee. I was never impersonating Kermit to begin with lmfao I was his fan page but not anymore the guy is just friggin crazy. So I just wanted that to be clear and I don’t know why so people on @linakassas followers blocked me I haven’t done shit to them personally lol  


Small Motivation ❤️❤️❤️ <Beautiful Followers >
          "I hope you find the kind of moments that take your breath away. The kind of moments that change you. I hope you travel to places that cleanse you; I hope you go to concerts that ring through your bones and make you feel alive. I hope you connect with the small things—I hope you look at someone mid- conversation and you feel your stomach surge with the feelings you have for them. I hope you surround yourself with the kinds of friends that encourage your spontaneity, that are always there for you. I hope you live. Truly. I hope you don’t hold back. There is so much to feel in this world. I hope you feel it all."
          "I can tell you firsthand that loving yourself and your life is not an easy journey. You’re not going to wake up one day feeling better about everything. You’re not going to wake up one day with this sudden confidence and energy to tackle the world. 
          It’s a process. You’re going to have setbacks. But you’re going to get there, I promise."
          You can rise up from anything. You can completely recreate yourself. Nothing is permanent. You’re not stuck. You have choices. You can think new thoughts. You can learn new things. You can create new habits. You can make the decision today, and never look back.


this message may be offensive
Decided to post a picture of myself. I was tired of seeing kermits face . Him and I are no longer friends but if everyone is wondering my name is Jeff and I’m from Tennessee. I was never impersonating Kermit to begin with lmfao I was his fan page but not anymore the guy is just friggin crazy. So I just wanted that to be clear and I don’t know why so people on @linakassas followers blocked me I haven’t done shit to them personally lol  


As soon as kermit and I had confusion trolls also started to spam my account I don’t want to make horrid accusations but I think kermit is behind the troll accounts when things don’t go his way he attacks people it’s sad because I defended him and made this fan page of him and this is how he treats someone he said was a friend I feel sick to my stomach to the point I could get diarrhea I’m sorry but I don’t know don’t get why his friend making a wish is saying anything at all and then y’all she messaged me talking for Kermit what the volcano is that 


This pains me to say but I am no longer a fan of Kermit him and his friend making my wish accused me of bringing drama to his page when I didn’t I was nice to him and as soon he spoke to his friend he changed his tune saying I don’t want drama on my page what the volcano did I ever do to you? Then he tells me making my wish knows what’s best ummm how she doesn’t know me and I was talking to you not her god I hate bossy people and  nosey people really not liking this im for real about to cry and not only that my back hurts