
Bleeding slowly, breathing quietly.


Mack, talk to me


i missed u! :)


@EmoAdoption OMG i thought u were dead! *hugs you*



Meant to b an emoji after lol


Should i just leave? Leave the world? Leave the Earth? Leave for good? Because after what's been going on, people have been sending me hate messages. i delete them, but they still live on and i just keep getting more and more. Ever since i spoke my opinion to my friends story, everyone has hated me and i just get overwhelmed..... i feel like i should just leave. Leave Wattpad, Earth, the world! And most importantly, life. I just can't take it. i cry every day cuz of depression and just life. It gets me down..... 


@smileevenifithurts12 thx sis..... i love u too.... and if u can help, thx


Mackenzie I love u so much and u have a beautiful life I'm here for u pls talk to me more im gonna help u thru this 


Baby... Mack? I'm back... I missed you! *hugs you* I love you so much! I had surgery and I'm back! IM NOT DEAD!!!!!!! Hehehehe *kisses you*


Operator: You want to see the messages? The last message before he left was from Josh, not Link. Josh didn't want you to date Link because Link is very sensitive. Now he's gone.


this message may be offensive
@EmoAdoption well i didn't want him to kill himself. HE TOLD ME WE WEREN'T DATING! 


Operator: we want to wish you luck on your journey with Josh. But, just remember that last message that Link sent you. He's dead now because of what you said. Goodbye.


Well, I know something that'll make both of us feel better.
          1. We both like Adventure Time
          2. If you run away, you and I both know that you'll live with us
          3. You're my best friend
          4. You're my sister
          5. Bryanna is the #1 bitch
          6. We like waffles
          7. We love each other... We're a family... Don't cut... Naughty


@Hatchet_Lover true. i giggled a little at this message.


Talk to me Mack


this message may be offensive
@Hatchet_Lover i.... i feel like Sean is a bitch! I'm crying because i feel like he doesn't fucking appreciate me! he doesn't believe anything i say! when things go missing, he blames it on me, says that i take it upstairs and lost the damn thing! I'm too scared to talk to him about it because I'm afraid he's gonna do something to where i can't fight back! and I'm scared to tell my mom because he'll most likely talk behind my back to my mom just like he always does! Nobody understands! i go to school crying and try to hide it. then I'm fine for the rest of the day. but then when Sean gets home, i know i need to go upstairs and hide so he doesn't yell at me for nothing. i don't wanna live life anymore Gabbi. but I'm too scared to cut myself. i want to but yet i don't. and there are some nights where i just wanna pack up and run away. i just wish i could crawl up and die in a hole. 