
updating my book again! it’s not a fanfic anymore (it’s an original story with new characters!)  it would mean the world if you checked it out :) it’s called Double Tap!


hey guys, so i’m back! i know it’s been a while, a lot of things have been going on in my life (i moved, and a lot of other things happened) anyways i’m sorry if i don’t update my books for a while. i think i’m gonna be working on some new ones instead.. so please check them out when i come out with new ones :)


@Thats-so-millie yeah, sure that would be very fun to read! but are you alright???


          hey guys, so i know a lot of you are waiting on updates for my books, well don’t worry! they’re coming, i’m just really busy with studying for exams and all that good stuff :/ haha but as soon as they’re over i’ll get right back to writing and making covers!
          xx love ya