
Hey guys, I know that I've been MIA for a long time. But hopefully, I'm back. I want to say a huge thank you to all the love on Simon's Daughter, it really
          	Means a lot to me. However, as far as And Emblem Relationship 2.0 goes, I haven't had any inspiration for it. And I refuse to post anything that I don't feel is my best writing. For that reason, it may go without saying but that story is on an indefinite hiatus, but by no means does that mean that I won't ever write for that story again. 
          	Now, as for new stories, I have hundreds of ideas, but those ideas are becoming adaptable for many different people to focus my story around, so it's kind of hard for me to nail down a definite plot line and cast. These next few story's may or May not be centered around a member(including Drew) of Emblem 3, but it may focus on a different band and member, or, if I get enough inspiration, may have nothing to do with a band at all, even though that would probably be my comfort spot. 
          	Anyway, keep checking back for updates, hopefully I'll be doing it a lot more often as soon as I get a plot and cast nailed down for a story. 
          	Thank you guys so much for all your love and support, I love y'all! 
          	Kennedy Rose


Hey guys, I know that I've been MIA for a long time. But hopefully, I'm back. I want to say a huge thank you to all the love on Simon's Daughter, it really
          Means a lot to me. However, as far as And Emblem Relationship 2.0 goes, I haven't had any inspiration for it. And I refuse to post anything that I don't feel is my best writing. For that reason, it may go without saying but that story is on an indefinite hiatus, but by no means does that mean that I won't ever write for that story again. 
          Now, as for new stories, I have hundreds of ideas, but those ideas are becoming adaptable for many different people to focus my story around, so it's kind of hard for me to nail down a definite plot line and cast. These next few story's may or May not be centered around a member(including Drew) of Emblem 3, but it may focus on a different band and member, or, if I get enough inspiration, may have nothing to do with a band at all, even though that would probably be my comfort spot. 
          Anyway, keep checking back for updates, hopefully I'll be doing it a lot more often as soon as I get a plot and cast nailed down for a story. 
          Thank you guys so much for all your love and support, I love y'all! 
          Kennedy Rose


Because I've been so absent lately, here is a blurb for a new story I'm working on. In light of my obsession with Union J, specifically George Shelley, here goes:
          "Coming from the most powerful family on the planet has its perks, it also has its many downfalls. Along with your parent’s every move, your every move is being monitored and you have to learn how to deal. Jemma Beckham knew that best of all. As much attention she got from the media, she didn’t think that it could get worse, and I mean worse. When she follows in her mother, Victoria Beckham’s footsteps and lands her place in one of the most popular girl bands since The Spice Girls, the media surges forward, eager now more than ever to get that picture or talk to her for a few minutes. Her every move is documented, so when she starts dating a member of a boy-band that came off The X Factor, there isn’t anything stopping them from making her life a living hell."
          Much Love,
          ~Kennedy Rose


Guys, I am terribly sorry that I haven't been on in forever. I know that I keep making promises to update that I never go through with, but just hang in with me. I'm rounding out my ninth-grade year and starting to get everything put together for my tenth-grade year. I have to have my schedule made be March 21st, so I really need to get started, I just haven't yet. And I'm in this huge writers block and I don't want to put anything up that isn't my absolute best for you guys. So, that's why I haven't been on. I'm trying to figure out where I want to go with the story, and I have all these ideas swirling in my head, but I just can't put them to paper or write them out without almost breaking down into tears because of how horrible it is. 
          But know, that I am truly trying to write for you guys. It's just really hard right now. 
          But on a much lighter note, that you so so so so so much for all of the reads and likes and comments on Simon's Daughter and on An Emblem Relationship 2.0. I love you guys! 
          Stick with me, 
          Much love,
          ~Kennedy Rose


I'm so so so so so sorry! I've been MIA for so long now and I feel so bad! :-( I hate that I can't update... All my stories are on my laptop and I don't have wifi, and no time to go up to the library for wifi. As soon as it gets turned back on I have three or four chapters for An Emblem Relationship 2.0 and I have a couple of new ideas. I hav never realized how attractive Kevin Zegers is before now by the way. And Harry Styles--my goodness that boy. I have so many ideas an I can't wait to get back posting. 
          I love you guys and please stick with me. I'll try to post a teaser to the next chapter if I can on my phone... So keep posted. 
          Much Love,
          ~Kennedy Rose~


So I have this idea for a new story/group of stories. And I want you guys to give me feed back. So here it is:
          I have this recent obsession with a lot of different things. Most recently the Kardashian/Jenner family. Because they are so crazy and reflect my family really well. So I thought while not make their family even bigger and crazier (hypothetically of course) and go and make like a story of short story about each of new members and Kendall and Kylie. I'll probably do it anyway but I really want you guys feedback. 
          Let me know what you think!
          ~Kennedy Rose
          I'm out of wifi but as soon as I get it back I'm gonna add to An Emblem Relationship 2.0