
Aye, there, fellow furry! I'm spreading my furry love with all my fellow furries. I hope I get to know you well! That's all, bai!! :3


@PannyCakey How about we meet in an Alley, You come by yourself, I’ll bring my hands and we’ll see how long you stay alive.
            I am capable of snapping a dogs neck, Let’s see what I can do with yours.


@kelly-the-furry Roses are red, violets are blue. You voted on my story, so I'm here to thank you! Damn, I just chose the most freakin' basic poem to recreate, didn't I? I'M ASHAMED OF YOU, EVE. JUST PLAIN AND PURELY ASHAMED. SO DISAPPOINTING. *Shakes head sadly* XD
          Anyway, hello there! I just wanted to thank you for voting on my story, 'Waffle Cones'. So thank you so much! I appreciate it a whole lot, and I hope you're enjoying reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. Have a great day, and here's a cookie for good measure! *Hands you a chocolate chip cookie* ^-^


Heyo! Thanks for the follow! :D Feel free to PM whenever...I'm usually always on and usually always bored xD


@ChocolateChip-Master -smiles- your very welcome ( :


@kelly-the-furry Haha *bows* Why thank you :3