
So sorry I haven't updated in months I've been crazy busy meeting my internet reads and two of my idols. 
          	But I'm back and i will try my best to post an update in the next few days or week. 
          	x KM


I thank you all for keeping with Lost&Found it means so much to me that you're all enjoying Regina and Robins story  so far. I'd love to hear feed back from everyone that reads it any improvements or things that maybe you'd like to see in further chapters...if it last that long...I'm definitely hoping it does I quite enjoy writing this book series.  
          I have put up the new chapter the chapter before a chapter I think a lot of you will enjoy its got an interesting 50 shades take on it. P.S take not of little words in 'Unresolved Issues." as they'll give little hints as to what is to come in chapter 10 (not including the Author Notes or it would be Chapter 15 if I was including them.) .... let this sink in "50 shades of Regina.." 
          next chapter should be up tomorrow depending on how many reads 'Unresolved Issues' gets. 
          Thanks again for sticking with this book. <3 
          xx KedaMaree.