
this message may be offensive
I actually feel like my books are not good enough and i'm just fighting the thoughts to unpublish them, edit them all over or just re-write them at this point. I have a physical copy of Wishing On Dandelions and i'm publishing it after i edit it and write it to wattpad but at this point the storyline looks totally dead and wrecked and i don't like it anymore and i don't even know what to do. By the way i don't know where this came from but i actually really want to re-write Late Night Beach because like i said i feel like it's not good enough i'm actually brain dead at this point i might do some stupid shit idk.
          	This paragrapgh will probably make no sense to a reader because i'm not going to try to edit it so you guys can understand this is just what goes through my brain these days.


Thank you so much you can’t understand how much that means to me right now. I unpublished my 2 un-finished stories to work on them and i’m going to re-publish them when they’re in their best state or in a state where i’m actually pleased. Thank you so much again <3


You’re books are good enough and plus I like your style of writing.It’s your choice but in my opinion your stories are the best!✨


this message may be offensive
I actually feel like my books are not good enough and i'm just fighting the thoughts to unpublish them, edit them all over or just re-write them at this point. I have a physical copy of Wishing On Dandelions and i'm publishing it after i edit it and write it to wattpad but at this point the storyline looks totally dead and wrecked and i don't like it anymore and i don't even know what to do. By the way i don't know where this came from but i actually really want to re-write Late Night Beach because like i said i feel like it's not good enough i'm actually brain dead at this point i might do some stupid shit idk.
          This paragrapgh will probably make no sense to a reader because i'm not going to try to edit it so you guys can understand this is just what goes through my brain these days.


Thank you so much you can’t understand how much that means to me right now. I unpublished my 2 un-finished stories to work on them and i’m going to re-publish them when they’re in their best state or in a state where i’m actually pleased. Thank you so much again <3


You’re books are good enough and plus I like your style of writing.It’s your choice but in my opinion your stories are the best!✨


I unpublished The Fire Of The Fly, i'm going to re-publish it once it's finished because i have a few plans for it but for me to pursue those plans i have to publish it when it's fnished so you guys can read it when it's in it's best shape!


I have returned and i'm just gonna mention that i will no longer be active on instagram. And i'm also really sorry about the huge break i took without letting you guys know. But i'm planning on returning with more chapters and more books. I'll also try to have an update schedule because i feel like  you guys should know when the updates are gonna be. That's all i want to say for now. I love you all and thanks for sticking around, please don't forget to eat regularly, hydrate yourself , love yourself, take breaks when needed and please check up on your loved ones they might need you :)
          Until next time <3