
Now now guys I’m not dead, just working on a new book which I’ve decided not to post until I’ve completed around 10/15 chapters, hence why I haven’t updated anything in so long and the big hiatus. I am still active on wattpad daily however reading books and such so I’m not offline 24/7! 


te quiero hacer una peticion, no se si es mucho pedir pero tu AU realmente me llama la atencion y como esta en ingles no soy capas de leerlo ¿hay alguna posibilidad de que traduscas los capitulos al español? / I want to make a request of you, I don't know if it's too much to ask but your AU really catches my attention and since it's in English I'm not able to read it, is there any chance you could translate the chapters into Spanish?


Now now guys I’m not dead, just working on a new book which I’ve decided not to post until I’ve completed around 10/15 chapters, hence why I haven’t updated anything in so long and the big hiatus. I am still active on wattpad daily however reading books and such so I’m not offline 24/7! 


Does anybody have a wattpad subscription. (wattpad premium/premium +) and is it worth it? Also what one do you have?


Oh ok thankyou for letting me know!


@KrystixDaisuga I'm a premium member. I think it's worth it. I hate reading something and then get adverts halfway through