
hi there!! my aunt just finished her first ever book after spending 7 plus years on it! if you would like to be updated when it is released, private message me your email and we’ll put you on the email list! it’s full of science, love, and everyday struggles and joys! 
          	your support is greatly appreciated ♥ 


hi there!! my aunt just finished her first ever book after spending 7 plus years on it! if you would like to be updated when it is released, private message me your email and we’ll put you on the email list! it’s full of science, love, and everyday struggles and joys! 
          your support is greatly appreciated ♥ 


tell me why wattpad is recommending my own stories to me 


Wattpad is wAck 


Maybe your stories are just that good


heyyyy I hope you're doing alright. I was wondering if you were thinking about writing a sequel to The Girl In The Black Hoodie, because I really loved it, I thought it was really good. As you said there would be one, I just wanted to know if I could hope on pushing my reading further or no :)


@fromthegaylaxie oh okay I understand. Oh well then I wish I was able to write like that when I first started :). Always a pleasure :))


I used to have a second one published, but I absolutely hated it. Those stories are from when I first started writing and I don’t even know what I was thinking when writing those cause it my opinion I think they are complete crap, but of course. I will try to write a sequel, but I cannot promise anything. Thank you for your love and support ❤️


I love that some writers describe birth control as "the pill" like, bitch what? For all I know, the character could be taking an antidepressant or some Ibuprofen. There are more than just one type of pill out there.
          (This is not targeting just one person, I've seen this multiple times. Don't take this personally if you do this) 


@nevaehc3703 ikr.  Like I really don't understand why people do this 


@PastelWeirdo I agree with this on so many levels. Like, is there something wrong with saying "I'm on birth control?" Lol 