
Hi, I hope you guys like fantasy as much as I do ‘cause my next book is a fantasy somewhat sci-fi genre. It's titled “Earths” and I'm publishing it on the 1st of May. I can't wait to see what you guys think. Please share your opinions in the comments. 
          	P.S., it's my first fantasy book so, I'm not well-versed in it but it's a good plot, I think. 
          	Have a nice week. 


@kayyyceee16, can't wait to read it!! :) 


Hi, I hope you guys like fantasy as much as I do ‘cause my next book is a fantasy somewhat sci-fi genre. It's titled “Earths” and I'm publishing it on the 1st of May. I can't wait to see what you guys think. Please share your opinions in the comments. 
          P.S., it's my first fantasy book so, I'm not well-versed in it but it's a good plot, I think. 
          Have a nice week. 


@kayyyceee16, can't wait to read it!! :) 


Good morning, readers and writers. I thought I'd just say this here so you guys don't end up anticipating an update for a while. I'm putting a pause on Auctioned To The Ruthless Billionaire, for the time being. I know, but I have so many ideas for it, and in an attempt to update quicker I might rush into the story and ruin the pace so I'm taking time to assemble my ideas in chronological order. But I’ll introduce another book soon, so keep your eyes on my profile for an update. 
          Have a nice day.^_^


Hi.. Just thought I'd pop by and say hi, since it's a ghost town here. Lol, I lack a sense of humor but that aside I hope everyone’s had a good weekend, although short. 
          I can't believe it's Monday tomorrow; so fast.


@AuthoressX57 ikr, It goes by in a flash! It feels more like an hour than two days.


@kayyyceee16, my weekend was so short. It's already Monday and I'm still shocked. I'm like how is this happening?
            *cries like a baby*