
I've said this numerous times but I'm writing again! I've written a couple chapters of Hotel ceiling but I'm gonna hold off on posting them until I've actually finished the story. Please be patient with me guys, new content will be coming soon ❤️


Hey guys, so I know I said I would be unpublishing The Teacher a while ago, but now I'm actually about to do it. I will be re-writing it and revising it in the meantime, so please bear with me. I hope join guys will like the revised story a lot more! 


I've been seriously considering unpublishing The Teacher and re-writing it. I was really young when I first started writing it and it was literally my second fanfic on here, so you can imagine i wasn't the most experienced writer. I'm probably going to take it down later today so I can write it the way I now envision it. Sorry for the inconvenience guys