
I have some exciting news for you all! Today marks the official day of planning my book. It will be coming soon in December, or maybe earlier, so keep your eyes pealed for the realise date! It's slightly different than my last one so I hope you enjoy it.


I have some exciting news for you all! Today marks the official day of planning my book. It will be coming soon in December, or maybe earlier, so keep your eyes pealed for the realise date! It's slightly different than my last one so I hope you enjoy it.


Hello, I'm back! If you want to know why then keep reading. As some of you may know I wrote Never Let Me Go a few years back. I got quite a lot of readers on it and as most of you enjoyed reading my material, I've decided to rewrite the book. I hope this version will be better than the last. Thank you to those of you who commented and voted for it. I love you.


@katie_harrisonn that's so true! Thanks for saying what had to be said!


It's alright :) 
            I just think it isn't said enough. I see the lads tweets, I mean. Liam and Niall's show that they are fustrated with their fans. Liam has a girlfriend, where she gets sent hate. There was a day where Niall couldn't even get out of his hotel and that is ludicris. 
            If anyone would have any respect for them, they would stop. Some people just don't know when to stop crossing the line.


I don't understand you directioners - honestly. You say you love the lads, but by bullying and sending their girlfriends hate is not the way to get their attention. In fact, your driving them away from you. How do you think they are feeling? Most of all, how do you think that their girlfriends are feeling? Jealousy is an unattractive nature, you should all know that. If you really love the lads that much, then stop sending their girlfriends hate. They all have feelings, you know? 
          And, also, stop standing outside their hotels. They have a job to do and places to go. If you'd have any respect, you'd leave them alone.


@BeckyB8 thank you so much! I wrote it last summer so I wouldn't say it's a good book, but I really appreciate your comment :) I'm starting to plan another book actually :) 


@katie_harrisonn that's grait! I can't wait to read that new book, hope you'll write it soon :)) 
            And you're welcome, it's a garit story. :))♥


Just realised I haven't been on Wattpad for three weeks, sorry! Been so busy with college! This term I will be writing the last chapter of Never Let Me Go and the second book which will be starting the sequal of my one direction series. 
          If you have any ideas of what you would like to happen in the last chapter of Never Let Me Go, message me and I'll see what I can do :)