
And that is a wrap! 
          	I have officially finish Seokrona's story. It was such a long journey. I never really expected to write over 400 chapters and more actually dedicated to just one Korean CP. 
          	Who knew I had it in me. 
          	I just want to thank everyone who read it, loved it, commented and just continue to follow it. I know it wasn't the most intelligent of stories but it help heal my heart from Seokrona, so I hope it did the same for everyone here. 
          	With that, I will be saying goodbye. Will I be back with more stories? I don't know, I never really identified myself as a writer from the beginning, I just had an idea and went with the flow. 
          	So who knows, but for now, it is goodbye! Thank you everyone for all the love and just encouragement! 
          	I want to especially thank @dengienini and @wild_lav 
          	This journey couldn't have happen without them so they deserve all the credit for how far I have gotten. 
          	Be sure to check out their words, they are so much more talented than me, so go there now! 
          	With that, once again, thank you for everything. 
          	I hope we will meet some time in the future. 
          	With love,


@kaoriharang You have been the best and most amazing writer!!! I can't wait to see your new creations but for the time beginning rest well and I am so happy to see your achievement!!!!


And that is a wrap! 
          I have officially finish Seokrona's story. It was such a long journey. I never really expected to write over 400 chapters and more actually dedicated to just one Korean CP. 
          Who knew I had it in me. 
          I just want to thank everyone who read it, loved it, commented and just continue to follow it. I know it wasn't the most intelligent of stories but it help heal my heart from Seokrona, so I hope it did the same for everyone here. 
          With that, I will be saying goodbye. Will I be back with more stories? I don't know, I never really identified myself as a writer from the beginning, I just had an idea and went with the flow. 
          So who knows, but for now, it is goodbye! Thank you everyone for all the love and just encouragement! 
          I want to especially thank @dengienini and @wild_lav 
          This journey couldn't have happen without them so they deserve all the credit for how far I have gotten. 
          Be sure to check out their words, they are so much more talented than me, so go there now! 
          With that, once again, thank you for everything. 
          I hope we will meet some time in the future. 
          With love,


@kaoriharang You have been the best and most amazing writer!!! I can't wait to see your new creations but for the time beginning rest well and I am so happy to see your achievement!!!!


Hello Everyone!
          For those who are confuse by my books and the reading order. 
          Just note that there are basically two big stories so far. 
          1. The Road We Walked on + Together [You & i} 
          The other series is all the others books. For your reference, here is the reading order. 
          1. Penthouse Rewritten
          2. We have waited long enough
          3. You & Me Forever
          4. Till Eternity
          5. You are Mine
          6. Anywhere with you
          7. True or False
          8. The light at the end of the tunnel
          9. Sun & Breeze
          10. New Beginnings
          11. Full Circle
          Hope this clarifies some confusion ^^ Enjoy!


Hello everyone!  
          Firstly, I want to thank everyone for their supporting in my writing! It really means a lot to me. 
          Unfortunately because of work at the current moment - I will be unable to update regularly. I will do my best but please expect slower updates at least for the next two weeks. Once’s things at work start to slow down, I will be able to write more which also means I can update more!
          Thank you once again for reading and just supporting my work! Truly couldn’t have made it far without everyone! ❤️❤️


Hello Everyone! 
          Firstly, to all my Chinese friends! 新年快乐! 幸福安康! 虎年兴旺! 
          I am just going to make a very quick announcement. I will be changing my update schedule of my current ongoing story "Together [You & I]" from once a day, to once every two days. I have been experiencing a bit of a  writer's block lately with the story and I am writing at a slower pace, so to accommodate this I will slow updates just a tad. 
          I am still determine to not go on full hiatus and to keep the story updated as much as possible. So I hope this new schedule works for everyone. 
          Hopefully, I will get back into the groove of things, please do send me ideas! I would love to hear them it really helps with my story writing! 
          Thank you all my lovely followers and readers!


Oh my goodness "The Road We Walked On" is finish! 200 chapters and wow! I can't believe I manage to write over 200 chapters on just one specific couple! Thank you everyone for following, reading and loving the story!
          Fret not, the story is not over! Book 2  - Together [You & I] is coming! (After this I will be publishing it) so please head over there and continue to give you love for Seokrona!


Hello Everyone! I just want to make a quick shoutout to all those who have been supporting and reading my stories! I can't believe i hit 40K already and we are near the end of the book!
          For those who are not aware there will be a Book 2 to 'The Road we Walked on'. So if you are not bored, please continue to follow these story as Seokhoon and Rona continued to flourish as a couple!




Happy New Year Everyone!
          I know the past 2 years has been really strange and probably some people have been really affected (I was one of them) But I hope that 2021 ended on a positive note for you (as it did for me). Even if it didn't, please hold onto hope that 2022 will be an even better year for you! and all of us!
          Please continue to stay safe, wear your mask and take good care of yourself! I hope that in some tiny way my stories have been able to bring you some comfort or some joy ^^
          Continue to journey with me, there is still a lot that I have yet to write! So hang in there! Thank you all once again for all the love and support for Seokrona! 
          HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL once again!


Happy new year kaori ❤️


          Thank you everyone for such love for this story! I am truly humbled that people are actually reading this and loving the story! 
          I will keep doing my best and please continued to give me your feedback! I really appreciate more ideas since my tiny brain sometimes explodes because I lack ideas hehe ^^ 
          Once again thank you all once again!


@kaoriharang super proud and excited for u u deserve it all ❤️❤️❤️


@wild_lav Couldn't have made it this far without you lot! thank you lav ^^


I can't believe "The Road We Walk on" has reached 23K views OH MY GOODNESS! THANK YOU ALL FOR SUPPORTING ME AND LOVING THE STORY! Rest assured I will be continuing with more and more Seokrona content for this story! There is a lot more to come (: So stay tune!