
Will be releasing a new story called "Astra", hope you like it! Will try to upload on a weekly basis, as well as schedule uploads so that I don't forget. Love that feature!


@kaihughesreal Sorry if I'm bothering you or anything, but I'm just curious, in your Ethan Dolan fanfic with Sierra, Ethan, Grayson, Soron, and Cameron, what became of Cameron?


Hello. I apologize for not being as active on Wattpad as most creators, but to be honest with you I wrote the series when I was in high school, and wasn’t a very experienced writer and didn’t think of an outcome for Cameron, but if I had to imagine what would become of Cameron I’d imagine that she decided to lay low, to hide in shadows, maybe forever, or maybe until she has another chance to strike…


Just wanted to say good job. I haven't read all of your stories yet but I have read a few. I am sorry about your friend who passed and your high school experience. Life is hard but you are still going strong. Keep your head up and keep writing.   Hell I am grown with grandkids and I have only just started writing. I only have one book finished and posted. I have several others in the works but you have so many. It might be the mom in me but I wanted you to know I feel proud of you.


@AuthorAnnieLee this made my day, I'm sorry I'm so late In seeing it. your heart seems to be filled with so much positivity, stay that way ♥️♥️♥️


To all the fans of "sisters from hell" I'd like to extend a thank you, I never thought the story would be as popular as it is, it was more of a fun project to me. as of right now, I don't have much motivation for it, so please be patient with updates, thank you.


Hello! So in addition to working on "Sophie and Marth" I also have been posting a Vampire Diaries fanfiction called "Sisters From Hell", it would mean a lot to me if you read it! Thank you guys!
          Have a great day and stay healthy! 
          -kaihughesreal xoxo


Hello readers! To anyone who enjoyed a story I wrote two years ago "Blodrena | How Far Would You Go For Love?", I started on a Sequel !! Please check out on my profile "Willa | Sequel to Blodrena"
          Have a great day and stay healthy!
          -kaihughesreal xoxo


James is completely normal on the outside.  Just a business man with a beautiful wife and a beautiful daughter. No one would suspect that he was really a lot more sick than he was. This comes out when he meets a sixteen year old girl at a restaurant and develops his own sick sense of love for her. 
          Read "Predator" and original story by me, Kai. 
          Have a good day, and stay healthy :)


Hey guys! I know I've been gone for such a long time. Life be gettin in the way ya know. I think I'm finally ready to come back. Maybe not with the constant updates like before, but I will be on here instead of bein all MIA like I used to be. So..ya! Hint hint, keep an eye on "just a daddy kink", I know a lot of people liked that one. See ya soon!! 
          - smolboikai