
Getting those braces in finally, I'm like a few years late but I'll live </3
          	Ready to not be able to eat right for the next week or so


They've been in for a bit now, doesn't really hurt anymore but still can't eat right </3 sigh


Guys the theme park I'm going to tomorrow has an official SAW ride, that's like epic but the issue is I'm too ill to ride it.
          If I were to get on that thing it'd be my own saw trap because I'd actually die </3
          Forcing my friends to ride it for me!!


I spent like over 50 quid in that giftshop


Nevermind there's a giftshop


Why the hell is my wattpad logo all flowered up? Why is wattpad dressing themselves up with pretty pink flowers? Is there a wedding? What's going on??


@justtwohomies fr asking the same question


@justtwohomies yes I'm marrying the whole of wattpad lol


Low-key was logged out for ages there. I think I fixed it but wowie.
          It was a 're-login required' msg but wattpad wouldn't load, and the stuff they had to help wasn't useful. I couldn't log in and out again cause wtp wouldn't even load to the login page.
          Eventually my page loaded and I thought I fixed it so I went to yap on community posts as you do and it said "account not logged in" as if I wasn't literally logged in.
          I logged out and logged back in again and it started working again.
          (Note: logging in on the website doesn't fix it either, you just have to hope wtp lets your page load)


Guys it happened again </3 let me back in like immediately tho so wtvv


Guys actually haven't used wattpad in forever, I think a phase might be dying </33 I'll still be here replying to notifications though I'm not that out of wattpad. And I'll probably still read. And write. Okay I'm not out of wattpad like at all


@GayShnek pookie I'll be honest I have not been on there in like forever but I might like come back eventually. Can't get back into a big book until my exams are over though :')


@justtwohomies Noooooooo! Will you still be on tastes like coffee when it updates? 


Unpublishing a bunch of books rn :')
          We might re-post some as rewrites but we're trying to refresh this account yk. New start core. We will be keeping the scarian book up (despite my profound dislike for that one) but don't expect it to be up forever. If it's gone without warning however, expect either a re-write or for it to be up as normal later on in the week.
          Thanks for the support over the past year or so
          -bug (and kye but bug me I'm bug is writing!!1!1)