
I love your book the Volutri queen. I really like your writing style and I can't wait to read more but I was wondering if you deleted it because I can't read it when I click on it but it's still on you page. I just read a book so I know it's not my wi-fi. Sorry if this upset you. I hope you have a great day/night. :) ❤


I’m not sure, but I really hope it gets sorted out soon! If you’re still having problems tomorrow, let me know and I’ll see what I can do. I’m gonna re-check the book again to see if I can do anything! Have a great day or night, love 


Hello, thank you so much! I haven’t deleted the book, so it is supposed to be up. I’m not sure if anyone’s having the same problem as you, if so please let me know, guys. For me, it’s still up, so I’m not sure how to help you. Maybe Wattpad’s glitching?