
I don't really have a period story, just a interesting story about guys and periods. 
          I'm Lizzy (not my real name), and I'm 13. This story happened a couple weeks ago, but at my school in eighth grade (my grade) we have to read a shortened version of "The Diary of Anne Frank". We also had to watch the movie based off the true story.
               My friend Cat (not her real name) and I were in different rooms separated by a sliding wall.  So we could basically hear each room. 
               And if you have watched or read The Diary Of Anne Frank, you would know it touches on Anne Frank getting her period or "becoming a women".  
          Getting to the story, Cat and I sit at lunch together, we're both of us are towards the end of the movie in our classes. And we got talking about the period scene in the movie, Cat says "Yeah guys in my class were asking the girls questions", then continues, "It's actually kind of ironic for me"
            I (still a kid without my period) say "That is kind of funny" then finish "The girls in my class were telling stories and joking and the guys just laughed along with the girls". 
          Not mine, or an embarrassing period story. It may sound weird but, I DON'T have my period. My close friends all have their periods, and encourage me to learn about it. So yeah. 


Sorry, bad grammar


Here's my period story: 
          I was at a week long summer camp and I started my period the day before camp started. The camp was on a college campus, it was for 6th-12th graders, and there were about 600 people total. So we stayed in dorm rooms, and I was on my way back to my room. I was looking for my room key, but couldn't find it in my bag. So, being the hormonal wreck I was, I dumped my bag out in the open. And a pad wrapper flew right out of my bag and hit a teenage boy in the face. Mortified, I picked up all of my stuff and tried to get away before he could say anything to me, but he walked right over to me and said, "Do you want this back?" 
          In the heat of the moment I said "That's not mine!"
          "Well actually I just saw it fly out of your bag." 
          Here's where it's gets really cringe worthy. I replied with "I didn't put it there." 
          And I ran back to my room and cried, only to discover that my keys were in my picker the entire time. 


Here's mine..
          So it's about nine in the morning, fifteen days after my thirteenth birthday.  I'm just waking up, and feeling like crap.  So I go to the bathroom, thinking it's just because I didn't get up to 'go' during the night.  So I go, and low and behold, may the red seas be holy!  There it was, right there.  So I go in the drawer which me and my mom shared, and grabbed a pad.  I walk our, my dad standing in the kitchen.  I noticed he was the only on home.
          He asked why I was in for so long.
          I said I wasn't feeling good.  So I called my mom and told her what happened.  She said okay and secretly texted my dad about it.  So he went our and bought me chocolate and candy and ice cream and a bunch of movies, and said don't worry about it, and watched everything with me. (I love love love my dad!)
          So I get up to change 'it', and I noticed that the blanket I was using which was thankfully dark red, was looking a bit darker in some areas.  So I take it down to the laundry room and out it in the washer.  It normally wouldn't change whites to pinks when we washed, so we could sash it with the whites.  So I stuff it in with a white shirt and some of my dad's work pants, and sit waiting for it to be clean.  I finally switch he load over, and everything is pink.  Because of ME.
          So my dad comes down and says, don't worry about it, kid.  I get paint on that stuff anyways.
          And I say, you're the best.
          And then my brothers come home, and start bugging me about it.
          My dad is very defensive when it comes to my mom and me, who are the only girls.
          They were grounded for a MONTH.


I am 5 years older and 7 years younger that my brothers. Good thing one has his own apartment! And my mom is WAY TOOOO overly defensive of me, being the only other girl in my family. 


@20PercentLlama I know, right?  As soon as I get 'it' I feel the power seep into my veins.


@20PercentLlama wow I love your dad too 


My parents got a divorce last year and once the divorce was finalized, they literally hated each other and completely stopped talking to each other all together, and we normally went on family vacations together, but after the divorce, my parents couldn't even stand to be in the same room with each other so my mom let my brothers and I go on our own vacation. I have four brothers 23, 21, 20 and 17. I'm the youngest one and only girl, and this happened when I was 14. Anyways, we were going to Santa Monica for the weekend, and I was on my period, so I had my tampon in and everything was great. I went to sleep as soon as we left my house, and before I knew it, 3 o'clock came around, and my tampon that I put in at like 5 in the morning since it's a really long drive was still in. Since my period is kind of heavy, I was already leaking. I was wearing jean shorts and there was a huge red spot on them and I was panicking so much, then I thought that I was going to get T.S.S. so I started mentally freaking out. I was too embarrassed to tell anyone about it, so I just kept it to myself, but then my stomach started to hurt, and I thought it was a sign that I was starting to go into toxic shock, so I start flipping out, and I'm literally crying, and my brothers are like trying to calm me down and see what's going on, but I can't stop crying. Then I eventually relax and have to awkwardly tell them what's happening, so my eldest brother who's driving takes the nearest exit and stops at a freaking CVS pharmacy, then I have to embarrassingly get out of the car so they all see the blood stain on my pants and on the seat, and my brother has to buy me tampons while I change in the bathroom. Once it was over, we got back in the car and it was literally so awkward. No one spoke, and the rest of the weekend was very uncomfortable for me. I'll never forget my mental breakdown/TSS scare.


My period story is this:
          So I (let's call me Summer since that's my middle name) was spending the night at my friends house. Her little brother has a crush on me so he follows us around, and since he's quite and doesn't bug us, we let him stick around. So we were getting ready for the school dance and when I went to get my hairbrush out of my bag, I accidentally pulled out a pad with it.
          Her little brother was all like: "Summer, what's that?" And pointed to my pad. My friend and I panicked, since he's six and we didn't want to explain it to him, so we said it was the name tag we had to wear to get into the dance. He thought it made since, so he ignored it and nodded.
          Well, when her older brother was about to drive us to the dance, her little brother came running down the stair screaming, "WAIT! YOU NEED YOUR NAME TAGS!" He had like, ALL the pads I had brought and was waving them in the air.
          We were both embarrassed because her older brother (who know very well what they were) was just standing there. Staring at me. Not even my friend. But me. I replied with a, "Thank you! We almost forgot!" And when we were in the car, we stuffed them under the seat as fast as we could.
          To this day, the pads are still in the car seat. (To be honest, it's actually kinda convenient sometimes.)


my period story is kinda funny
          I (Jenna) was in my last period class when I felt really wet, so i got up and asked my science teacher (Mr. Harvey) if I could use the restroom. He asked if I had any bathroom passes left. I told him no.
          so he said I couldn't. I sat there for a moment and said "no. I REALLY gotta go," but he refused. so I sat there again for momment, debating on what I should do. he gets angry and tells me to sit down. by now I have the entire class focused on me. And without realizing what I was saying i said really loud "do you want me to see blood on your precious science floor?! let me use the restroom!" He looks up very surprised. and starts stuttering for me to go. the entire class stares at me in shock. and some people start snickering. 
          it's a little embarrassing cause I yelled out really loud ins front of the entire class, and a little funny. I hope you use it in your story. good luck on it. 


this isn't my story its my friends but she was at my house and she was on her period and we were sitting on the bed laughing and having fun and she bled through everything onto my bedsheets it was fine though I mean it happens.


my worst period i was sat in the class room and i randomly felt a squish in my belly that hurt so much i shouted bannana. i got up me with my stupid white jeans and asked the teacher to go to the toilet then theeeee hottest boy mouthed sit down but stupidly i ignored him and carried on until a girl shouted omg are you ok your thighs are bleedin but the other girls were judt like eww and started calling me bloody mary my name isnt even mary. i died 


it was time when my mom was pregnant in hospital and I was at home with all males. after waking I went to toilet and noticed blood on my dress. I felt I was ill and ignored it. when I went to see my new brother once again I saw blood. that time everyone around was female - my mom and aunts. I told to them and my maternal aunt brought me pads and other maternal aunt explained me. my mother's mother was very helpful to me.