
Yall IM SO SORRY I GHOSTED YALL, Its just that lots of things were going on first was school and was I was sent to the emergency room, and then in the  hospital for like a month. Turns out that I was born with weak kidneys.Which where not working causing me have zero energy to do anything period. Also there was a lot of personal stuff. Now that I'm doing independent study. I will be able to post just give me a few days to came up with something. "I gotta reread komi can't communicate" I understand that I broke my promise of post a new chapter last year.  I really really wanted to finsh this and write something else. But before I write that something else I have to finsh the story I was writing first before I write that one. Also let's be honest, I lost most of my motivation for writing this a few months ago because I really got into seishun buta yarou. Like really really into it. And while I was gone I was having a character arc where I was just finding the things I like and exploring new things. I also have to reread my story because I only remember things here and there.


Yall IM SO SORRY I GHOSTED YALL, Its just that lots of things were going on first was school and was I was sent to the emergency room, and then in the  hospital for like a month. Turns out that I was born with weak kidneys.Which where not working causing me have zero energy to do anything period. Also there was a lot of personal stuff. Now that I'm doing independent study. I will be able to post just give me a few days to came up with something. "I gotta reread komi can't communicate" I understand that I broke my promise of post a new chapter last year.  I really really wanted to finsh this and write something else. But before I write that something else I have to finsh the story I was writing first before I write that one. Also let's be honest, I lost most of my motivation for writing this a few months ago because I really got into seishun buta yarou. Like really really into it. And while I was gone I was having a character arc where I was just finding the things I like and exploring new things. I also have to reread my story because I only remember things here and there.


I'm so sorry Don't expect a chapter this week, I will be very busy with school and family stuff. Like I can't even express how sorry I am. But im try my hardest to get the next Chapter out.


@ justhereforreading2  no worries all have other things to do


@justhereforreading2 You don't need to apologise, it's completely chill!


Hello I well be making my grand return after like a month lol. Now that cross country season is over I can finally write. And now that I took a break I finally have motivation to write again currently the next chapter has around 200 words rn it will be prob be like 2000 or more words maybe.


@ justhereforreading2  Its nice seeing you return


Yo ngl this weekend I had no time to write, so next weekend it's going to be 2000 words and it should be out on Saturday hopefully or just Sunday- Monday.


@justhereforreading2 so uh ima be honest I have no motivation to keep writing rn but just know that I will finsh it in the future.


Ok I'm thinking Ima post the next chapter. This weekend  it I'll be out at maybe 4:00pm to 12:00pm PDT. So my vacation is done for now until something pops up for school. Also this has given me  time to read so my writing dialog will be better hopefully.


@justhereforreading2 Oh we feasting again. Been praying bro


Hey, I've been seeing that some authors are complaining about wattpad deleting or shadow banning their fics because of inactivity. If it's true then I hope it's changed. Just saying this to inform you because you're taking a break at the moment.


@TheCompleteReader I see but I saw a story from like 2020. So my story should be good. But thanks for telling me tho


Here is a sneak peek "Because you helped me when I was down. You also help me figure out what Komi was trying to say and more people like you. What I'm trying to say is that your kind and I want to show all the kindness you showed to everyone in our friend group. There wasn't a moment where you were not kind. So basically what I'm trying to say is that you are a good friend or the best friend that anyone in the whole wide world could have"


@justhereforreading2 lol I'm almost done its like 3000 words


@TheCompleteReader DAMN IT NEVERMIND. I can't wait to read the whole chapter


@justhereforreading2 Delete this before I read all of it. PLEASE