
Okay but Nothing New is so Johanna Mason coded it’s scaring me (I’m probably going to look back on this and cringe but I don’t care)
          	First of all: “how can a person know everything at 18, but nothing at 22?” 
          	-Johanna was 17 in her hunger games. She then knew at 18 that she wouldn’t have to go back. Then at 21 or 22, she had to go back for the quarter quell, changing what she knew. WHAT?
          	Then: “and someone else lights up the room, people love an ingenue”
          	- katniss. Katniss lights up the room. The google definition of ingenue is someone innocent or unsophisticated, or beautiful, or attractive. Katniss? 
          	There’s probably more. Just listen to the song. I don’t know why this is what I think about. 


Okay but Nothing New is so Johanna Mason coded it’s scaring me (I’m probably going to look back on this and cringe but I don’t care)
          First of all: “how can a person know everything at 18, but nothing at 22?” 
          -Johanna was 17 in her hunger games. She then knew at 18 that she wouldn’t have to go back. Then at 21 or 22, she had to go back for the quarter quell, changing what she knew. WHAT?
          Then: “and someone else lights up the room, people love an ingenue”
          - katniss. Katniss lights up the room. The google definition of ingenue is someone innocent or unsophisticated, or beautiful, or attractive. Katniss? 
          There’s probably more. Just listen to the song. I don’t know why this is what I think about. 


this message may be offensive
has anyone else realized this-
          when you actually like to read as a kid (or like in high school) and spend lots of time reading, adults will tell you to be active more and do sports and shit.
          But when you like sports and being active, people will tell you to read and study more.
          Do they just not want us to be happy or what-


Well apparently I have a new profile pic and bio now, this is what happens when I get bored at 1 in the morning I guess...
          We are ignoring the fact that the picture is from folklore and the rest is from red.


@just_a_sad_swiftie what's the part from evermore?


Oh my god
          The first sound taylor makes in I Can See You
          Sounds like the beginning of Mine
          I don’t know what to think


@just_a_sad_swiftie I'm not sure. Do u want to follow me?


@Taylorswiftfan_45 my brain is going crazy tryna figure it out


Please tell me someone else is getting Carmen Sandiego vibes from I Can See You?


Why tf did I write this-
            That was very cringy


@CarmenSandiegoRed it's like sexy Carmen vibes at some parts and im all here for it


Congrats to the newest Name that Apprentice winners!
          First place winners:
          Sunsplash @Li7154
          Sky @Starclanspottedleaf
          Blazingthorn @AspenMeadow
          Nightmare @Starclanspottedleaf
          Second place winners:
          Bluefinch @AspenMeadow
          Lemon @pumpkinpii
          Stormheart @Li7154
          Fury @pumpkinpii
          Third place winners:
          Palepuddle @pumpkinpii
          Meringue @Li7154
          Sharpsnarl @pumpkinpii
          Justice @AspenMeadow