
So I saw Cruella today and I am in love. 
          	It is amazing and Emma Stone played her really well. 
          	I dont want to spoil it so I'm going to stop talking but if you haven't seen it yet make sure you do. 
          	Ok goodnight/day lovelies x


Hi um I've seen a few people do this so could y'all try and guess my age?
          (Obviuosly you don't have to)


@juleshoffman @Littleone088 I turned 16 last month so you're both pretty close


hii!! would you be able to take my request for a story? it would be a Julia x reader one! i have my idea if your willing to take it


@juleshoffman hi! I would love to take your request but I am really busy with school and stuff at the moment. Could I possibly get back to you in a week or so?