
this message may be offensive
that shitty moment when you write out an entire chapter and for some reason wattpad becomes a bītch and poof, where did two hours of constantly typing go? Oh, I don't know, outer fucking space!


Hello awesome followers! I've been having too much fun working on my new book, Dirty Little Secrets. So Truth may not be updated this week. I haven't had any inspiration to write on it lately, so I've been working on my naughty one. :) if you haven't already, go check it out. Mature readers only. ;)


I've been nominated for the 20 things about me challenge by @Mokita :p sooooo here we go.
          1. I love my new job, even if its a McDonalds lol.
          2. I want to be a multimedia digital animated artist (that would be AWESOME)
          3. Even though I'm 23, I feel 49, literally. I'm like broken or something.
          4. God of War is my favorite video game.
          5. I chain smoke.
          6. I cuss a lot, but I try not to.
          7. I love iced coffees. (hazelnut)
          8. Don't Cry, November Rain, and Estranged by Guns N Roses is my favorite songs.
          9. I like to randomly break out in song. when I'm cleaning alone.
          10. I hate soberity, but I'm always sober. IMA become a drunk author one day or something.
          11. kids drive me crazy.
          12. I love the fall, but I'm always sick in it. :(
          13. I live like 30 minutes from the beach but NEVER go there.
          14. I'm running out of stuff to write about.
          15. my life is hectic
          16. I like people with accents.
          17. meeting new people is fun.
          18. I talk too much and ramble when I'm tired.
          19. I'm always tired. but I'm always on my feet
          20. I HATE cooking.
          OK I nominate @mokita for the boiling water challenge because she made my lazy butt do this, lol. xp


@Mokita lol I like messing with you, you're too easy! :DD


OMG I've got so sense of humor -_- you should know that :P


@Mokita lmao, that's the whole point. ;p boiling water instead ice water challenge kinda thing, get it? I made a funny...


Hello awesome followers! I'm thinking abput adding a new book that will be deleted R rated scenes from TRUTH! All the naughty parts I kept from the book. Comment or message me if you're interested in reading it. if not, then i won't bother putting it up and ill just delete it. you'll see why it isn't in the book once i post it. ;)


@Mokita you're welcome! :D 
            Draggin ass, lol. Odd hours at work has been kicking it. I barely get any sleep anymore, and its slowing my writing a lot. :( But I looooove my new job and my coworkers. I have like twenty bosses, lol, but they're all cool.


Ahhhhw thanks :) 
            How have you been?


@Mokita welcome back! Things have been boring without you around! Its  okay, and congrats on your internship. :)