
haven’t been here in ages but it’s only fitting to continue traditions;
          	To whoever cares (again (again)),
          	I turned eighteen today. And thanks to some miracle that occurred over the past year, I don’t have anything to complain about (except global warming, climate change, war, lack of women’s rights and rubber lizards) for once. Definitely toned down the self deprecation and hey, look at that: I actually like myself. And that feeling is aided by the fact that I have many people around me who care :)
          	(thanks for reading, if you did) 


haven’t been here in ages but it’s only fitting to continue traditions;
          To whoever cares (again (again)),
          I turned eighteen today. And thanks to some miracle that occurred over the past year, I don’t have anything to complain about (except global warming, climate change, war, lack of women’s rights and rubber lizards) for once. Definitely toned down the self deprecation and hey, look at that: I actually like myself. And that feeling is aided by the fact that I have many people around me who care :)
          (thanks for reading, if you did) 


To whoever cares (again),
          I turned seventeen today. And thanks to the viciousness of the cycle of life, I have moved on from last year’s problems only to be greeted by new ones (yay!) Time to spend the rest of this year listening to ABBA’s ‘Dancing Queen’ and then cry next year, when the lyrics no longer apply to me and I feel like an old maid. 
          Fare thee well!


@julesmoraes Happy belated 17th birthday to you!! Hope you enjoyed your day to the fullest and celebrated your special day the way you like and spent it with the people you love :) :)


A lil late but,
          HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! ❤️
          Love is love, and it’s a beautiful thing that no gender, caste, or colour can confine. You are all valid and truly appreciated. Lots of love! xx


OMG!!!! We have a lot in common 
          I'm gonna follow you♡♡


@percabeth335 Wow, any Percabeth shipper is a friend of mine :D


Happy Easter guys! Wishing all of y'all a good time with loved ones ❤ xx


omg you seem to be SO nice! 
          this is suoer random.
           I'm sorry haha 


You are so sweet. I saw your comment and wanted to say thank you. Happy birthday for the other day! And if you’ll let me, I just want to say that you are doing amazing. You have the rest of your life to make something of yourself. Enjoy being 16, because it goes by too quick. Lots of love honey ❤️


@KateNorth Thank you so much for the wishes, and for your words! You can't see it, but my cheeks hurt from grinning righ now XD!  And again, you are such an amazing author. This made my day❤


To whoever cares,
          I turned sixteen today. And thanks to my basic feelings of inadequacy and insecurity, deriving from some actual or imagined physical or psychological deficiency, I've never felt more incompetent or pathetic. I feel like I've supposed to have done something by now, you know. Or maybe you don't. Anyways. I thought I would have completed my novel by now, but I've never felt more lost. Sigh, sixteen doesn't feel so sweet after all.


@merlinMD Thank you soo much! Honestly meeting someone who practically shares a carbon copy of nearly all my interests in a place where I only knew one person, was something right out of a storybook❤ We should talk more! 


@julesmoraes Happy birthday girl!  
            Also... damn those words are superior. I regret bowing down to you the day I met you.