
I love your writing style. You draw your reader in quickly with your balance of dialogue and description. Thank you for the brilliant Star Trek: Voyager stories. Any chance you beta read joyful_voyager? I have a Star Trek: Voyager story from forever ago that was rejected by Pocket Books. I'd love your opinion on whether it should stay on my computer or join your own works. 


For some reason your username reminds me of the teaser from "Muse". Shining Voyager, far from home...
          I'm really happy I found your account. I've read Time On My Hands, and will read the other one soon. Glad to see I'm not the only one who ships Janeway and Chakotay :) (fandom shipping, you know ^.^)


Omfs, I honestly need you to write more books. I would like marry 'Here I Stand'.  PLEASE WRITE MORE.


I'm glad you liked it. I'm THRILLED you actually found it on here! I don't get much Wattpad traffic. Most people find my stuff on other sites. There's lots more out there! And I do hope to write a sequel when I can find some time. Thanks for your kind words!