I'm a nerd. That's all there is to it. I love to read, it's one of my favorite things, and I love writing as well. (part of that was inspired by my dad, he's an author). I usually don't share my writing (as in pretty  much no one has seen it, ever, besides school projects), but my friend (pale_as_death) recently introduced me to this site, and I thought that I would give it a try. I appreciate comments and suggestions, (I really do want to know what you think), but please try be nice, and don't  swear. I guess if you are still reading this and didn't give up yet, you might want to know a bit about me. I love swimming, and swim for a swim team. I also play the violin and the piano, and I am itching to start the cello. Reading is by far my favorite thing, though. I mostly read fantasy, but love pretty much all books. (except for the ones that are really bad) Percy Jackson is one of my favorites, as well as the Bad Unicorn Series. I also love the Hunter Chronicles. I could go on and on naming off all the books that I love, although I am not a huge fan of romance. A little bit is fine, but when it is the entire point of the story, I find myself growing bored. I feel like it doesn't have a plot line. One of my best friends (savvysnape) loves reading and writing  these, so I have read a couple.  Also, scary/gruesome/gory books are also not my favorite.  For some reason, I feel a need to get all the way to 2000 characters, (I might have picked it up from my friends), so bear with me on this.  I don't really know what else to say. Bad grammar really bugs me sometimes, and although this might sound a bit hypocritical, because my grammar is not perfect. Especially when it is your English teacher. I mean, really? You teach English. You should know how to speak it. She says libary all the time, and it bugs me to death. She also says tuesdy, etc. It's very frustrating because she teaches English. I also like parentheses, in case you can't tell. Anyway, I'm at 2000 now, so enjoy!
  • Utah
  • JoinedFebruary 5, 2017
