
Hi! This is Jordan, formerly known as Avalon Titanium. I'm currently rebranding this account and moving away from Black Veil Brides fanfiction. I still have my stories in my drafts, but they will remain there as I try to start back into writing. I'm coming up on my 11 year anniversary on Wattpad (WHAAAAAT) as I started writing on here at the age of 12. I hold this account and the memories very dearly and am so grateful to my readers from my past novels, but I would like to start branching out and challenging myself. I took a very long break from writing as I focused on school and later my degree, and now that I'm starting my career, I want to get back into writing as I once truly adored it and the interactions from my readers. I am immensely grateful for the success I have had, the connections I have made, and importantly, the people I reached with my silly little stories. If there are any of you left here, thank you for staying, and I hope you continue to support me in this new journey I'm embarking on. 


Hi! This is Jordan, formerly known as Avalon Titanium. I'm currently rebranding this account and moving away from Black Veil Brides fanfiction. I still have my stories in my drafts, but they will remain there as I try to start back into writing. I'm coming up on my 11 year anniversary on Wattpad (WHAAAAAT) as I started writing on here at the age of 12. I hold this account and the memories very dearly and am so grateful to my readers from my past novels, but I would like to start branching out and challenging myself. I took a very long break from writing as I focused on school and later my degree, and now that I'm starting my career, I want to get back into writing as I once truly adored it and the interactions from my readers. I am immensely grateful for the success I have had, the connections I have made, and importantly, the people I reached with my silly little stories. If there are any of you left here, thank you for staying, and I hope you continue to support me in this new journey I'm embarking on. 


I'm sorry for the lack of uploading lately! School has been super busy lately! I'm taking 2 Pre AP classes and 1 AP class, as well as French. I have band after school every day except Thursday, and some Fridays I play at football games (American football, for those of you in other countries). Thank you all for being so patient!