
i’m working on a new story babesssss 


I just finished The Family today. I have to admit I was ALL in. I know the story is old but I am just now reading it and it would crack me up when you would have to say, "No Eric is not coming back." I was one of those who did wonder if you're going to trick us and it would come out that Eric was not really dead. I was so angry at him for doing Toni like he did that when he got shot, I said I hope you didn't survive. But when he didn't survive I feel guilty as hell for wishing that. But I have always loved Sam and I wished that Johnny and Danielle will come around. And I also figured out that Angela was going to be their brother when he was introduced. Thank you for sharing your gift as a writer and entertaining us. I look forward to more stories by you.


since i’m taking down The Family, I’ll be uploading a new story tonight :)))


yes i am 


@jmaccx Are you editing The Family Book 2. I remember reading the whole thing with the Claudia cliffhanger.


to my lovelies, 
          i am deeply sorry for my absence these past weeks/ month. i will be writing again, soon. maybe tonight. i just took a small break, but i’m ready to come back now so you guys will have an update for each book i have published. 
          i hope y’all still fwm lmfaaooo