
          	here is the link to the book guys !
          	it is being rewrited apparently and most of the chapters that have already been written on my account have been turned into one chapter for the better. follow them and stay for the update !


          here is the link to the book guys !
          it is being rewrited apparently and most of the chapters that have already been written on my account have been turned into one chapter for the better. follow them and stay for the update !


Everyone! I wasn't expecting to get a message this fast since it has been only a few minutes since I posted about this but @derangedyun has messaged me and wants to take “Desperate” so that he can continue the book. He said the plot would be the same but he's going to change many parts and scenes. I hope you guys can continue reading this book! Thank you yun for this :) 
          I shall be finally logging out with no guilt whatsoever.