
lmfao i haven’t been on in years but happy new years!!!! i love reading through my story ideas and realizing how ugly they actually were SJDJEJJ


dont u just love when u see ur fave fanfics update and u get hella excited but it turns out to be smth about the author instead of the actual chapter and ur just- oh 


@jiggeuks  I can relate -.-


 thanks fam 


thanks for a 100 followers guys, i know i'm not that active all the time but i still really appreciate it!! i'm currently writing in some plots for my story ideas book so stay tuned for updates!! also i already have two chapters written in my draft for thief but i'm still debating if i wanna publish them or not but anyways, again thank you for following me i appreciate it ! 


 thank youuu❤️❤️


not sure if its just me but authors who don't put periods at the end of their sentences in a story, use the wrong there, their, and they're, and just really suck at grammar bother me so much?? i used to do that stuff and now whenever i reread the things i used to write i cringe because i'm like "THATS SUPPOSED TO BE 'THEIR' NOT 'THERE' OH MY GOSH" and "why didn't i put a period at the end" omfg. like please atleast reread and see your mistakes, it kind of ruins the story.