
It's all coming to an end, soon.


    Hi, I don't know if you check this account anymore or if you'll ever see this. If you do, I just want you to know I read Useless as it was coming out, I was really depressed at the time and the book gave me something to latch onto. I still think about it a lot, and I think about it so fondly. I hope you're doing good these days, if you see this, please have a fantastic day.


      this message may be offensive
      Hey Jess! I was just wondering hoe you were doing. With all the shit going on right now it feels right to check in on people. I hope you're doing ok and that quarantine isn't driving you crazy. If you aren't, hopefully you have some good people to talk to but, if you don't feel free to send me a message, I'd love to hear from you ♥️<3 


        Are you doing okay? Haven't seen you one here in a while, just wondering if you're doing alright


          @jessvampangel are you ok? You've been gone for a long time and I just want to make sure you aren't dead. Just worried is all, hope you can come back sometime.


            Jess, I may not know you. I may not know what happened or happens in your life. But I know one and one thing only if there is anything going on in your life, if your feeling depressed, anxious, if your feeling down and you want to talk to someone about your problems. Then we are here for you! I am here for you! You just only need to grab our hand...I'm waiting, WE are waiting.And will wait.As long as we need to.
            (Sorry for the bad English, I'm hungarian.)


              Hey! How've you been? I just want to make sure you're okay. <3


                It makes me sad looking  at all these people begging for new chapters and stuff. They don’t know what’s happening behind this profile, there could be many reasons as to why the book hasn’t been updated in months. Begging and pesteringJess on her social media isn’t gonna get you what you want any sooner. So pleases stop bugging her. Maybe leave a few nice compliments instead, ya know PMA and all that jazz. Thanks.