
Does anyone know which book this is? Here is my summary:
          	A guy loves this girl and she gets pregnant, blah blah blah. She learns that she might die having the baby. She keeps it from her husband/boyfriend (idk) and he finds out. They don't talk to reach other for a really long time. When she is having the baby, he is told to choose between the baby or her. He chooses the her and they both survive.
          	That's the most that I remember, but I think he was a millionaire or something. If you know what the book is called, just tell me.


Does anyone know which book this is? Here is my summary:
          A guy loves this girl and she gets pregnant, blah blah blah. She learns that she might die having the baby. She keeps it from her husband/boyfriend (idk) and he finds out. They don't talk to reach other for a really long time. When she is having the baby, he is told to choose between the baby or her. He chooses the her and they both survive.
          That's the most that I remember, but I think he was a millionaire or something. If you know what the book is called, just tell me.


Hello jessienepth, will you please check out my story 'step daddy no'?. A lot of persons told me that its a great story and i would love to hear the same from you. So please add it to your library and give me some feedback, I'll really appreciate it. Thanks so much.


Sorry I took so long too reply. Sure I'll read it!