
I'm baaaaaaack! :DDDD From my recovery hiatus (that may be a tad dramatic but it fits so wth) I'll try and update regularly starting this week and I may post a story I've been holding onto for I think a year now... *insert maniacal laugh*


I'm baaaaaaack! :DDDD From my recovery hiatus (that may be a tad dramatic but it fits so wth) I'll try and update regularly starting this week and I may post a story I've been holding onto for I think a year now... *insert maniacal laugh*


Also, I'm taking down "Forgiveness" for the time being because I'm at a standstill and it is sort of sloppy. So sorry for taking books down but if it is going to be a work of mine, it should be a good representation of what I produce and those two were good ideas that I don't want to ruin :( they'll be back up before you guys even notice xx


I'm taking "Intoxicated." down as a public read because it is in need of some serious editing and more focused story line because as you can tell it is cliche and all over the place. I apologize for the inconvenience but it is for the best at this time, besides I have writer's block with this story and I don't know where to go from here. I haven't even updated in months and it would be foolish to keep updating such unorganized chapters. It will be back up soon xx