
I'm debating weather or not to post my new books chapter while I write them or wait till I'm completely done... What do you guys think? 


@janielpredeffa While you write them because it would keep the readers in suspense or wanting more.


Hi I love your book foster,foster and I would like to give you a shout out on Twitter or Instagram and me and one of my friends wants to follow you on Twitter so if you could give me your username I really want to tell my friends about you and your books ❤️


Hey, thank you so much for that kind offer but I'm going to choose to stay anonymous as this is my only escape!!! You're so sweet and thank you so much for reading my book it means the world to me!! ❤️❤️


Hi guys, so I kind of gave up on the whole Foster, Foster sequel BUT I will be finishing it.... Eventually... But I wanna start another book a more interesting one, so any suggestions would be great and I was also thinking of doing a book where like Joeys in high school and he's physic and Daniels another like immortal creature of some sorts idk 


Last chapter of foster foster will be up tonight! It's been an amazing journey! I'm crying writing this chapter! It's filled with so many emotions I can't even deal! I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and I'll be posting a huge thank you after I post the last chapter! If you have any requests or question let me know! Also, comment down below I'll mention you in the thank you chapter!!! I want to thank all of you personally and publicly! I love you all so much I wouldn't be writing this right now if it weren't for you and you're support ❤️❤️❤️