
Would you be mad if I corrected your spelling? Just got a nasty note from someone who's not a very interesting writer and really poor speller to "stop correcting spelling because nobody cares" what I think anyway.


@janeyamos9 any writer would be delighted if you left a comment to correct a spelling error. It's true having a correctly spelled novel doesn't get many more people to read it ( about 10% in my memory ).


@SelfieQueen1738 Started reading one of your books and I like what I've read so far. I'm not usually a fan of fan fiction that is built around a celebrity such as boy bands members or actors but your work shows real promise. 
          The main thing i would suggest is to base your lead characters on those people but give them a slightly different background or maybe give them a bit of difference in their appearance, personality or their goal in the story line. 
          I have already made a few notes on the typos and syntax errors I found. There are some others but I hate to keep making comments that could seem like I'm picking on you. I tried to follow them up with a ❤ so that you may know they are meant to help and not to criticize. Hope to see more of your work taking a slightly different slant on things.   


Thanks janey for putting  I'm a Cyborg's Pet  on to your reading list. Reading that I suppose that sounds odd, thanking for your such a small act , but as new authors continue to get a real sense of joy every time someone finds our work. Please enjoy the book
           Hugs RK+Reb


@The-Scrivener I'm looking forward to getting started on something other than tales of knights in battle, werewolves, suspense and medieval tales of intrigue. Sci-fi is usually my favorite genre. Hope you don't get upset if I make comments about typos and misused words. Some have called me a grammar nazi. Lol


@janeyamos9 Thanks for the Follow! 


@Nenerh1 My first job out of junior college was as a proof reader at a small newspaper. Then later it worked into a copy reader/writer. My boss was a fanatic about spelling, punctuation and grammar in his newspaper. He would go back and find who read the galley first and who read it second. Woe be unto the second reader if you didn't note a mistake or the typist who didn't correct it. Really drilled it into my head. Then years later when I was in the military, we had to submit recommendations for awards that could NOT gave any correction. Guess I am a product of the pre-computer era. Lol


@Nenerh1 Thanks?! It's funny how I can re-read my stories a few times and not catch my mistakes until I re-read it again later...I don't update "The Irish Twin's Runaway" a lot so I don't catch them...I guess I'm one of those who also get annoyed by grammar mistakes when I read other people's stories but I don't comment on it, don't want to make the person feel bad especially because of the language barrier of other Countries thry may be from. I should be grammatically inclined since I've always proof read my husband's papers, or emails when he was doing his PhD and now as a Professor...he's a perfectionist which he needs to be! 


@Nenerh1 You are one of the more grammatically correct authors I have read but a different set of eyes can sometimes catch minute flaws that will save time in the future. I haven't seen very many "mistrakes" in your but there are a few.


Hey, I would love if you could proof read my story can you message me your email please, thank you 


@rose-yasma  Sorry I hadn't replied to you until now. I had major reconstructive surgery on my hand a couple of weeks before you messaged me and then started therapy. Now 5 months after the surgery and though I still have some twinges of pain now and then, I'm getting back to things I really enjoy.
            If you want me to proof your writing, you can email me at firstsgtmama@yahoo.com and attach chapters you want me to edit. Just make sure the format is compatible with Windows 10. I will edit the copy, add notes of my thoughts as to changes you can make in the storyline and then email them back to you.
            Word if advice, if your chapters are long, send no more than 4 at a time. If they are short, you can send up to 10. 
            Just put something like "chapters for edit" in the subject line. 
            Again I'm so sorry not to have gotten back to you sooner. Hope to hear from you soon. <3


Hello Janey, just thought I had to be formal because of how executive u sound. First... Ur friends with Rob Thier (hope I spelt it right). You used to be an editor??? 
          So much pressure(((( ;°Д°))))
          Thank you so much for add in maid of the wolves to your reading list, and I really hope u like it and I will truly welcome constructive criticism \(>o<)/
          Have a lovely day ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆(。´∀`)ノ


@luvhrt12 will do, though my work isn't fully edited I would really appreciate it


@luvhrt12 Sweetie, I am just an educated hillbilly from Tennessee. Lol
            Yes I was a proofreader and copy writer for a local newspaper. I had some college and courses while in the military and while working for the State of Tennessee. Some have called Mr a grammar "Nazi" but I am honestly not that bad. I just like to help buddinģ authors. If you ever have a problem with things I say or write, just send me a message and I gladly retract anything that offends you.  Best of luck in all your endeavors. JA.


Thank you for adding my little title Who She Thought She Was to your reading list. I certainly hope you get a chance to enjoy it. The story is currently going under a second draft in time to be featured on the 17th. Super exciting for me. Have a wonderful start to your week.