


Hm. Guess what?
          Of all things that would f@ck me up, Microsoft decided to corrupt a single file and leave everything else alone.
          And that one file? It had something important that I had to continue writing.
          *momentarily takes off glasses and pinches the bridge of her nose*
          JFC, Microsoft. I don't know anymore. That was really important but okay, you can take it. I don't care anymore it's fine.
          It's fine.


In all my time here in Wattpad, I think a lot of people will agree with me that one of (if not) the most supportive and most parcitipative person in the RMA fandom (only in this platform) is none other than:
          Even when I started out, she was one of the first people who ever commented on my story and one of the first who followed me and she's just great.
          Can we give her an award?


I got an Amino lol


@Totally_No_One thanks, bruv. peri in the toilet is the best i dont think im ever gonna change it lol


@jane_cranode Lmao--
            Also nice peridot pfp uwu


@Totally_No_One oh.... Oh! Well that was me being an idiot lol


It just came to my realization that a thousand people is a lot of people.
          These numbers that keep track of my reads always seem so small to me because I'm looking at other people's stories and holy crap that's freakin' eighty million. And if you compare it to a thousand, it doesn't seem much.
          In the end of the day, I should remind myself that these are just numbers. It doesn't determine how talented I am or how much effort I put into it. 
          It just determines how many people enjoy it, and I'm glad there are a thousand and more that enjoy my stories, so I'm here to once again thank you all.


          I can't. I can't write a single thing that is driven by motivation.
          I haven't written anything for my stories in days. I have a poem writing competition, but I have nothing.
          Even if I forced myself to write a single fckin sentence it doesn't even make sense. I'm just hopeless right now and I'm freaking out again.


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          Damn, quarantine. Keeping everyone at home and shit. Even after quarantine, I know my dad wouldn't let me go out 'cause paranoid. And I can't hug my friends because social distancing. 
          And most of all, we start school on my goddamn birthday. It was all a coincidence when I saw the date.
          Basically, for my fourteenth birthday I get to see my friends but not hug them. I get to wear a stuffy school uniform and I have to go back to studying.


I just told my parents that I wanted a drawing tablet.. Then wouldn't ya know it, they said yes!
          But it'll take awhile to actually get me one since my parents don't know where we can find a good brand.


@FuzzyTheWolf I'm sad and I know it


@FuzzyTheWolf i wish i was rich enough to get the said iPad T^T


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My hands smell like fish...
          You know why? You know why?
          'Cause I took a knife and pried its scales off. Then I made a slit from its asshole, through its belly and ended at the bottom of his head. From there, I pulled its guts out and cleaned it. After that, I fed the insides of the fish to my cats then placed the rest of the fish into the freezer.
          That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you clean fish...
          And why my hands smelled like it in the first place.