
Haven't been here for a while, but it feels great to be back to both reading and writing.  I just posted the first chapter of Checkmate my last book published and hopefully will be publishing a sequel to this later this year.  Looking forward to connecting with friends and fellow authors and readers.


Haven't been here for a while, but it feels great to be back to both reading and writing.  I just posted the first chapter of Checkmate my last book published and hopefully will be publishing a sequel to this later this year.  Looking forward to connecting with friends and fellow authors and readers.


Deadly Dozen hits USA Today Bestsellers – Kentucky author, Linda S. Prather, and 11 other bestselling mystery/thriller authors, Diane Capri, J. Carson Black, M. A. Comley, Joshua Graham, Vincent Zandri, Cheryl Bradshaw, Allan Leverone, J. F. Penn, Carol Davis Luce, Michele Scott and Aaron Patterson, known as The Twelve, http://thetwelvexii.com/deadlydozen/ released their first joint venture on February 12, 2014. Deadly Dozen is a compilation of 10 complete novels and 2 novellas, all bestsellers or award winners. Since its release date Deadly Dozen has hit the charts on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iTunes and Kobo.
          Ms. Prather states: The Twelve is a unique group of authors with many common goals. We love writing top notch fiction, and we truly appreciate our fans. Deadly Dozen was our way of giving back to our individual readers and fans by allowing them to try different authors in the same genre at an affordable price. I can highly recommend every book in this compilation, and you can get all 12 for $.99 for a limited time.
          What’s next for The Twelve? “Well, we’re mystery authors, so you never know. Drop by our website and join our mailing list, we love hearing from you.”