
I made a Halo original story, first part out now!
          	I enjoyed writing it because it was a story about Spartans that me and my friends came up with.
          	I’ll give you 2 guesses as to which one I made


Although you guys probably don’t care


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, if your looking for a good book to read, look no further than “At your service”. It’s my best book yet and while it’s not necessary finished I have big plans for it.
          Also thank you to Http-Penguin for making the cover art!


Hello. It’s me again, but now, I must say, I’m not as cringy as I used to be. 
          I’ve come to tell you about my new, re-done version of “At your service” which I plan on re-naming. I’m going to spend a lot more time writing it than AOTP because it’s more fun to write and i think it’s less cringy, I’m not sure what I’m going to do with AOTP because while I personally love the complex story I’ve come up with the writing just sucks and I don’t know how to keep the story going. But that’s all I’m going to do for now. Bye


Heeeelllllllooooooooooooo people! I have created a new book! I know what you are thinking, "oh god, another one? How is he going to juggle all of these books" well, for this one I will only be working on it in my free time and when I feel like it (probably not often) and it is basically just an idea I came up with in a matter of seconds. It is called "At your service"
          Please note that:
          I will not continue with my HTTYD book, though I will keep it "up" for a cringy read for people.
          I will be taking down my "role play" book.
          I will not continue with my "potter games" book.
          And will not continue with these books: "bionicle: a new line of toa" & "downfall"
          I will do what you want with my  "bionicle stuff" though will probably delete it. That's all for now... I think


I'm a weird teen