
So recently I remembered all about wattpad, and looking at it now, so many things have changed since I've last been on here. From my music taste, to my relationships, social media, my opinion of myself, and just about everything. Because I'm so inactive on here, I've been considering deleting my wattpad account. I guess we'll see how this goes.


So recently I remembered all about wattpad, and looking at it now, so many things have changed since I've last been on here. From my music taste, to my relationships, social media, my opinion of myself, and just about everything. Because I'm so inactive on here, I've been considering deleting my wattpad account. I guess we'll see how this goes.


@ixheartxu Yay, someone who speaks Spanish xD! Ahaha, I think I've seen you on GTQ before. Do you have an account? xx Plus, I pressed that magical follow button, too. ^_^ -Risa


Thanks for pressing that magical follow button! :3 Yeah, I have an account on GTQ. I think I've seen you on there too. Hmmm....
            I'll go press that button on your profile too ^-^


You see I was like tool lets use the wrong email because I ant got one. But know I can't get on the computer with my account plus I can't do cool things and I can't copy profile things so ya and I am just to dam lazy to write I would be going back and forth the whole time :(