
In case anyone stumbles across my profile and read this- 
          	For those who have read the prologue (not really--) of my first CH story Two Sides, please be patient as Chapter 1 would be released on end of January next year (2024). And for the next following chapters, I would try to keep it consistent by updating them after each month ends if possible. That's the minimum time I can take to finish editing a chapter... 
          	I know some people are not interested in the CH fandom anymore or had switched fandoms due to the toxicity of the people in the fandom and weird ships of countries. Take note that I do ship countries in my book, but I don't ship weird or sussy ones or those that sounds (and looks) illogical. I'll try to minimize the amount of countries dating each other and only slightly ships them in my book, since I'm not really into those shipping stuffs anymore.
          	Yep that's it for today... I hope you enjoyed reading my new story...
          	(21/12/2023 at 1:10 am)


In case anyone stumbles across my profile and read this- 
          For those who have read the prologue (not really--) of my first CH story Two Sides, please be patient as Chapter 1 would be released on end of January next year (2024). And for the next following chapters, I would try to keep it consistent by updating them after each month ends if possible. That's the minimum time I can take to finish editing a chapter... 
          I know some people are not interested in the CH fandom anymore or had switched fandoms due to the toxicity of the people in the fandom and weird ships of countries. Take note that I do ship countries in my book, but I don't ship weird or sussy ones or those that sounds (and looks) illogical. I'll try to minimize the amount of countries dating each other and only slightly ships them in my book, since I'm not really into those shipping stuffs anymore.
          Yep that's it for today... I hope you enjoyed reading my new story...
          (21/12/2023 at 1:10 am)