
As promised it's up lovelies!!!! ❤ 23:55 here now 


Hey lovelies!!!! ❤I'm back on wattpad after so long...  Happy New Year angels I love you all so much!! .. Please bare with me...  I'll be posting a chapter by the end of tonight (my time) maybe two even as an apology... I'm sf sorry 


So... I've edited chapter 7 and... I was thinking bout taking it down and making it longer n better since I'm not really happy bout chapter 7 personally.. So yeah n also sadly I'm not gonna lie I lost motivation for my story n was thinking of maybe deleting it completely but I decided to leave it for a little while longer n see what happens ...


Hey!  I just wanted to say thank u to everyone for all the reads that I have gotten my my work I highly appreciate it and I will update real soon at the moment I'm getting help on my work from a really nice person and the chapter will be up soon and also were working on fixing my mistakes on my chapters and making it better.. Thank u 


Hey! I just updated and previously on an update I know I said id update 2-3 times a week but I got sick after eating something and I started working part time so I've had a lot on my plate but hey I updated!❤


Hey everyone I have changed my cover for my work thanks so much to @miajaida for taking the time to make one for me...


@itxbaeaj your new cover is awesome! It makes your work stand out ♡


Heyyyyyyyyyy!! (I'm lame n weird lol leave me be)  
          I updated yesterday after a long time so that means that I've got some motivation back n I know no-one is paying my work much attention but I think I'm still gonna continue it cos I like it and I think I should continue