So.... Where to begin?

I love theatre. I am in as many productions as I can be at my high school and in the community just because I love it so much.

I LOVE MUSIC. I got drum major at my school this year which is super exciting (for those of you who don't know what that is, it's the person who stands at the front of the marching band and conducts). Anyways, I used to be a huge Taylor Swift fan; I still like her music, I'm just not a fanatic.

I realized that I love writing about three years ago. I have at least three books that I have written in my own time, and a bunch of random ideas for plot lines and character I want to use in stories. My problem is I hate it when people judge me for anything... So I don't publish them. My friend is helping me work on that though and she's been super supportive and is the reason I put anything on here at all.

I hope that as I write I can inspire those around me to see the world through other's eyes and live through other's writing.

And I'm really that boring because that's all folks!
  • Haha wouldn't you like to know
  • JoinedJuly 9, 2018