
Hey everyone! Just posted a book that I plan to add all my poetry to, so if you're into that, definitely go check it out! I'll be adding to it as I write! 
          	If you'd like to see more of my work, be sure to check out my Instagram also by the name of @itwasdestinee! 
          	Thanks for everything, and I hope you enjoy ♡ 
          	— Dest


Hey everyone! Just posted a book that I plan to add all my poetry to, so if you're into that, definitely go check it out! I'll be adding to it as I write! 
          If you'd like to see more of my work, be sure to check out my Instagram also by the name of @itwasdestinee! 
          Thanks for everything, and I hope you enjoy ♡ 
          — Dest


Hey guys! 
          Yes, I'm alive... Heh. 
          After a long hiatus, I'm going to attempt posting again, mainly due to some friends encouraging me to do so. 
          I hope you'll take the time to read my new work I'll be posting and give me some feedback. :3 
          Hopefully this break has given me the refresher I've needed, since I do dearly miss writing. 
          Either way, I'll be posting a supernatural fic, since I'm obsessed with the show now frankly. 
          I hope you guys will like it, and I'll probably be posting tomorrow! 


Hey Angels,
          For those of you that are wondering where all my works have gone, I've taken them down for multiple reasons. 
          I have decided that I am no longer going to write anymore because frankly, I have no inspiration or motivation anymore to write multiple works and I need less distractions to work on rewriting the My Savior series to publish. I also don't want to risk my work getting stolen; I hope you can understand. 
          I want to thank each and every one of you that ever read, voted, or commented on my work; you'll never know how much that meant to me and I won't forget the wonderful memories you all have given me. :3 
          In many ways, Rayne was me and when I had written that series, I was going through a very rough depression and you guys and the world I created, saved me in more ways than you know, so don't be worried of Rayne and Zak being tossed into a trash bin, lol. 
          I promise you will read my work again; just under my real name and with paper in-between your fingers. ;) 
          On another note, if any of you want to contact me, or keep up with me, I have created a Supernatural video editing Vine account so if you are a part of the Spn family or are interested, my Vine account is --> FallenFromGrace. 
          Thank you all for everything! 
          Until we meet again, 


Hello my Angels! 
          Tomorrow I will be posting a new book that I've held onto for a little while, but I'm now ready to share with you all. :3 
          I hope you take the chance to read it and if you (hopefully) like it, leave me a vote and comment or message me what you think, I love to hear your thoughts! 
          Until tomorrow ✌️
          - Destinee


Wow, thank you so much! :D That made my day and I'm excited to know what you think! 


@Broken_AngeI you are such a talented writer. I  look forward to it.


Hai Angels,
          For the next week or so, I won't be on because I'll be gone on a trip and also because I just haven't been feeling it lately and been down. 
          I'll be back soon to write again and hopefully this phase will pass. 
          Until then, enjoy reading my angels. ✌