
What if we get another big hero 6 and it turns out Tadashi is still alive and junk.
          	Not because I miss him as a character or something. 


Hey wanna hear a really funny story I experienced today  


I know right lol


@HuskayaKen13 lol roasted. Nothing like a little bit of homophobia to make your day interesting.


So basically, I was on YouTube today. For some reasons this vid named ‘My gay cats’ was on my recommendations. I watched it, bc I’m LGBT. So I said, ‘oh they are so cute :3’ on the comments. But this other guy- his name is d4vid (yes that’s his name bc then ppl can roast him)- he was like ‘if my cats were gay I’d excite them and gay ppl should rot and die in hell. They r filthy pigs ’. 
               Yes, I was triggered, but I remained calm. I said, ‘well thank u :) and yesss I’m a pig, that’s my zodiac XD yay finally someone noticed it :DDDDDDD. Also, well YES WE GO TO HELL. straight homophobic idiots WILL. Go to heaven. Why? My home is hell, and I don’t want any shitty idiots messing with it. U will go to HEAVEN. Or ELSE.’
               He said, ‘heaven is good. It’s for ppl that have not sinned.’
               I said, ‘well idek bc I don’t believe in anything, but I think having sex is a sin. So HA, F* U.’. Also I said, ‘we have sinnned. Yes, we have, but we are stronger bc we have sinned and did not die. Yes?’ 
               So he was so furious he swore at me. I said ‘why thank u, that’s so sweet of u. I love u too :3’ and he was like ‘HDEHCKHWCBDJWONIEF’ and he like died. I smacked him through a screen  


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).


No problemo-( ´∀`)


I bet your animations are cool tho- UwU 