
happy pride month to everyone x




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@iconicsalad you do know why i dislike stop asking dumb. lmfaoo he was never gone cause he was talking to me the whole time so ion get it??? trust me ion think making plans to meet up and falling asleep on the phone is being irrelevant but if it i really wanna be irrelevant to rodger. trust me i am unforgettable, ESPECIALLY to MY BEST FRIEND. you don’t need to worry about my friendship with rodger, i think you need to worry about your relationship because trust me i have a lot to say that can show him my perspective on things. oh how i wish YOU would do that, you had no idea how glad i was when ur toxic ass was out of his life but you’re like a fucking tick.. just stfu u ain’t as important as you think (: 


@iconicsalad i can do whatever tf i want dude, im stating my opinion on what i think it’s best for my friend. we BOTH know i dislike you for a reason so don’t b acting all dumb and clueless. if you ‘could care less’ about what i have to say you wouldn’t of replied to my comment in the first place, you didn’t care you wouldn’t be bothered. thinking about my friends well being is ALL my business so.. ion see the problem. so next time i say what i have to say just stfu and you it would do you so much good, I like you better when you were not present or relevant like rn