
Guys, how many words should I be writing for every chapter? Like, how many words is too many, or how many is too little?


All stories on my page are going through big edits right now so if you want updates on any of them message me or comment on the story you need an update for. Also currently writing another one. I’m going to get farther into it before I post any of it. :)


The story I'm writing right now is a bucky x reader. I have a question about it though. I need help yall. 
          So, should I make it a bucky x reader, or instead of "you" or "y/n" should I make it an actual character? Because in the book, 'you' go through so much, so could that be triggering to any readers and if so, should I make it about bucky and an actual character? Need help yall, please! If you don't get the question, just let me know.