
          Now post this on everyone's who you think deserves all the of the love in world 
          If you get :
          1 back : You're loved
          3 back : You're popular
          5 back : You're one of the most loveable people out there
          9+ back : I'm jealous


Auburn-senpai! yes it is 3 am and I'm waking up 6 but its fine not like I sleep but n e ways, 
          I'm so SO sorry I haven't been talking with you guys. I have been on discord, thanksgiving break, getting school together, and just trying to eat and sleep properly, I feel so empty and honestly wanna swallow a bottle of pills but ik that won't fix anything but idk what to do anymore but im trying to think positive!
          also I wanna let you know that I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH and your enough and I'll try to get back to you guys soon but if you ever need ANYTHING my private messages are always open. ❤️


its weird cause you would think I'd fail the harder classes but I'm probably cause I put off the easier ones but I have a an 
            Math: 85
            English: 82
            World History: 63
            Physical Science: 58
            Bible: 33
            Its getting better slowly but I have 3 weeks and my bible grade worries me and its a big project I have a 0 in and I'm so confused and I told my mom I had it but I have no idea where to start and I'm panicking and if I ask for help she's gonna yell at me about how I lied and then spend hours yelling at me about how bad it looks when that could be time working on the project I have no idea what to do
            this may or may not have been copied and pasted from Nao-senpais board-


@AkashiSeijurosslut yay Thats amazing I hope it all gets even better!!! HFSH 


TYSMM I HAVE BEEN DOING A BIT BETTER! school is still hard but I'm finding motivation by wanting to continue sports and my grades are getting better little by little. I am trying to be positive and go one day at a time,, and I'm ngl its been really hard sleep is honestly such struggle for me and eating is starting to become one as well but I'll keep doing my best for you guys and myself! ❤️