
this message may be offensive
Tbh im just going to stop posting shit, and take everything down.


this message may be offensive
Tbh im just going to stop posting shit, and take everything down.


@iszy2001 What happened? Sorry I haven't been on WattPad for so long


I really feel like writing a romance but I need some ideas but I have nothing. No one usually responds to these so idk why I do it but anyway..


@Pengu_xox I am writing one already with @trouble_panda its on the account mentioned in my bio


@iszy2001 Ik, a girlxgirl romance, that's be adorable, both have troubles and they over come them together,  aweee


Hey all my lovelies! I want to start writing a story, but i don't have any ideas.. Also, i am entering another short story competition and i need an idea for that. So? what do you guys think?


@Pengu_xox How about... No


@iszy2001 Make an amazing story about your bestest friend in the world (Aka Me!)


Hey guys ! 
          I have come to a decision that I'm going to take 'NACFTD' down. Well I'm going to un-publish it, write a lot more of it then I'll publish it again, updating one every week. 
          I'm deleting 'Zaraic' I just wrote it because I was bored and I just can't write anymore because I can't be bothered. 
          I'm going to join all of my short stories into one book because they don't have very many reads anyway..
          I may continue with it's life, but I won't be writing in it a lot like I used to..
          I will also continue with my poems..
          And I think that's all :) 
          xoxo Thankyouuuuuuuu


          For some reason a thought just accrued to me.. I'm sorry if this is offence to anyone, I'm a major hypocrite but please, no hate…
          If someone wants to die, why shouldn’t we let them? They obviously want to go for a reason.. And you wanting them to stay is being selfish in a way. They are suffering and you want them to stay.. Every breathe they take they are wishing they weren't, because all they want to do is end the pain and you want them to stay and continue to live with the pain. It's not fair to them, but if you know someone that needs help, then get them help. Make them stop living in pain. If you really need them here, then don’t force them to stay, don’t make them promise to stay because the pain might become unbearable one day and they have no other options. Please, if your struggling, get help! Even if you don't want it or think you don’t need it, please, someone out there loves you and wants the best for you. Yesterday was National 'R U OK?' Day.. Someone commits suicide every 40 seconds. Please, we need to all be strong, and get help. Help someone even if they don’t want it, you yourself get help. Please, let's bring the suicide levels down, make them stop if we can. All it may take to get someone help is to ask them R U OK? Even if they seem happy, you can never be too sure. And even if you don't know the person very well, or particularly don’t like them, help them.


@iszy2001 I want be an anaesthetic for all my friends. Help them with the pain and support them through anything until they can stand and even then I will always be there to support and catch them when them fall. All they need to do is ask. All you need to do is ask. Iszy you are probably my best friend at school and I will never abandon you.