
Guess who is up at 1 am on a school night writing fanfiction? Ding ding ding! It's this girl! Seriously though, I'm like so tired rn but I really don't want to stop writing until I get this chapter done. Seriously you guys, I'm mostly positive you're gonna like this chapter, it's been my favorite to write so far! But the puns have been killing me slowly lol. See you in the next update!


@ironic-comic-sans I know! Then when it gets to like 4:30 I can't go to sleep cuz I will sleep though all of my alarms and then I will wake up late for school.


@RosieVulpes at least I got some sleep last night lol. but i do the same thing, it's really hard to stop reading once you find a good fanfic!


@ironic-comic-sans oh don't worry your not alone in that aspect, I tend to stay up all night reading fanfics. On school night. Usually Sunday night actually. When I say stay up all night I really mean no sleep at all.


Guess who is up at 1 am on a school night writing fanfiction? Ding ding ding! It's this girl! Seriously though, I'm like so tired rn but I really don't want to stop writing until I get this chapter done. Seriously you guys, I'm mostly positive you're gonna like this chapter, it's been my favorite to write so far! But the puns have been killing me slowly lol. See you in the next update!


@ironic-comic-sans I know! Then when it gets to like 4:30 I can't go to sleep cuz I will sleep though all of my alarms and then I will wake up late for school.


@RosieVulpes at least I got some sleep last night lol. but i do the same thing, it's really hard to stop reading once you find a good fanfic!


@ironic-comic-sans oh don't worry your not alone in that aspect, I tend to stay up all night reading fanfics. On school night. Usually Sunday night actually. When I say stay up all night I really mean no sleep at all.


Thank you for adding my story to your reading list! I hope you enjoy them as you read


@Problem_Solution if it's your second then which is your first?


Your welcome I'll check it out later I love Frans it's my second OTP 