
I am literally a few paragraphs away from posting a new chapter of Luna? Oh No - I'm a SEAL! Who's excited!? It should be out in about an hour!


Hello everyone! I just wanted to give you all an update. I have about half of the next chapter of Luna completed but I've once again hit a wall. I am also going through a really rough patch and my depression has not been this bad in almost 10 years. I continue to have inspiration to write Maya's Promise so if you want to read my work that should be coming out more often I definitely recommend checking that story out. I'm trying my best, but I'm really sad most of the time. Thank you for sticking with me <3


@irishwolf412  no problem, I hope you feel better. And for what it’s worth I think you are an amazing writer. 
            GO NAVY!


Hello everyone!  I know its been quite a long time so I was on here as more than just a reader. I will be trying to work on Chapter 14 of Luna as much as I can but I have so much on the brain that it makes it hard to focus. I am now a college graduate and will hopefully have some more time to write in the months to come once I pass my VTNE (Veterinary Technician National Exam) and become a certified Vet tech. I am already working full time and after the exam I'll finally have more time to do the hobbies I enjoy. Please keep your eye out and I promise to have that chapter out soon. Thank you for hanging out and having patience with me <3


@irishwolf412 I can't wait!!! 
            All the best to you!